Think sustainably, act for the environment
Sustainability and ecology are extremely important to Siedle: Environmental protection is a key part of our corporate philosophy, as something of value in its own right. Siedle has had a certified environmental management system for around 25 years and is therefore a pioneer in the region. As a leader, we also have a duty and so we continue to take steps to make our business ever more environmentally-friendly and sustainable.
Siedle has been using management systems for quality (DIN EN ISO 9001) and environment (DIN EN 14001) for some time.
Certificates are regularly renewed: Independent auditors check that the requirements of the standards are met.
For many years now, Siedle has only used electricity from renewable energy sources such as water, wind or sun.
At Siedle, we think sustainably from production to the product; our intercom systems are durable and retrofittable.
Siedle’s commitment is in keeping with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.