Barrier-free access

Newly introduced standards and demographic trends are making barrier-free construction standard practice in many areas. At the same time, there is an increasing need for greater convenience and security. Siedle combines the two – with products that can be operated easily by nearly everyone, and with specialised technology for particular requirements.


Barrier-free access from Siedle in practice

Siedle Referenz Joseph-Pschorr-Haus


The Joseph Pschorr Haus building is a hybrid – in terms of both its typology and its integration into its immediate urban environment. The building communication system corresponds to the different facade concepts and echoes the varying materials. Functional elements at different operating heights guarantee barrier-free operation.


Markusgården residential and nursing home

In the Markusgården nursing home in Aalborg , Denmark, Siedle Secure creates an environment that is both functional and secure for the residents. Complete with barrier-free door stations and over 220 doors – at the entrances to the building, the individual storeys and the utility rooms. In the residential units themselves, only authenticated persons can open safes and drug cabinets.

Siedle Referenz Oper Oslo

Norwegian National Opera & Ballet, Oslo

For the architectural bureau Snøhetta, an iceberg served as the inspiration for the Opera House in Oslo. Located directly on the harbour side, it looks as if it is rising up straight out of the cold, clear water of the Oslo Fjord. The finely nuanced materials chosen underpin the stunning design and eccentric lines of the cultural centre.

Communication pedestal from the Siedle Steel design line, with video camera, door loudspeaker, digital code lock, call button and second call button for wheelchair users at an adequate mounting height.

Siedle Referenz Verband kommunaler Unternehmen

German Association of Local Utilities

The entrances to the main building of the German Association of Local Utilities have been designed for barrier-free access. Building communication from Siedle helps facilitate access at the entrance. It complies with the current requirements of DIN 18040 "Construction of accessible buildings".

Siedle Referenz Joseph-Pschorr-Haus


The Joseph Pschorr Haus building is a hybrid – in terms of both its typology and its integration into its immediate urban environment. The building communication system corresponds to the different facade concepts and echoes the varying materials. Functional elements at different operating heights guarantee barrier-free operation.


Markusgården residential and nursing home

In the Markusgården nursing home in Aalborg , Denmark, Siedle Secure creates an environment that is both functional and secure for the residents. Complete with barrier-free door stations and over 220 doors – at the entrances to the building, the individual storeys and the utility rooms. In the residential units themselves, only authenticated persons can open safes and drug cabinets.

Barrier-free design from Siedle: an overview

Siedle loudspeaker Plus barrier-free design

The door loudspeaker Plus

Better communication at the entrance – for noisy environments or people who are hard of hearing: The Siedle door loudspeakers Plus impress with excellent audio and voice quality, even under adverse conditions – in door intercom systems in the Vario , Classic and Steel design lines or for integration or retrofitting .

Siedle Zustandsanzeige Barrierefreiheit

Status display

An indispensable component of barrier-free access is the status display. This gives those with impaired hearing or vision clear feedback about what is currently happening at the intercom. The status display complies with the relevant statutory requirements for disabled people and equality legislation as well as - where the stipulated two-senses principle at the door is concerned - with DIN 18040 for “barrier-free construction”.

More information about the status display
Siedle hearing aid compatible barrier-free access

Hearing aid compatible

Outstanding voice quality even with a hearing aid: the compatible receiver meets European standard ETS 300 381 and can be connected to hearing aids via an induction loop. For this, the original receiver is simply replaced with the new model. This is possible for all Siedle’s current in-house telephone designs.

To the product
Siedle Steel extra-large call buttons

Extra-large call buttons

For blind and severely visually impaired people, Siedle offers an extra-large call button which can be equipped with tactile markings - for example with Braille or engraved numbers. Lettering, logos or other symbols can be made so big that it is easier for everyone to find the correct button.

To the products
Are you planning a barrier-free building? Our project managers would be happy to advise:
Door loudspeaker Plus
Hearing aid compatible
Status display

What makes the Siedle door loudspeakers Plus so practical?

Siedle voice quality
Audio and voice quality

An audio amplifier doubles the sound pressure level of our above-average standard door loudspeaker. Speech has a clear and strong presence. It is highly effective at filtering out disruptive noises.

Siedle systems in In-Home and Access
For In-Home bus and Access

The door loudspeakers Plus are available for the In-Home bus and the Siedle Access Professional IP system – for integration and in the Vario, Classic and Steel design lines.

Siedle simple commissioning
Easy installation

Like all Siedle system products, the door loudspeaker Plus offers the usual ease of installation and commissioning. It can also be retrofitted in existing door intercom systems.

Siedle status display barrier-free design
Also with status display

All door loudspeakers Plus can be combined with the Siedle status display. This indicates which function is currently active on the door intercom system visually and acoustically according to DIN 18040.

View the status display

What is special about the hearing aid compatible receiver?

Siedle voice quality
High voice quality

Outstanding voice quality even with a hearing aid: the compatible receiver can be connected to hearing aids via an induction loop. The wearer can hear the visitor directly through their hearing aid.

Siedle easy installation
Easy retrofitting

The technology can be retrofitted to all current in-house telephones. The original receiver is simply replaced with the compatible model.

Siedle european standard

The hearing aid compatible receiver conforms to the ETS 300 381 European standard. It is available as an accessory in white.

Siedle hearing aid  barrier-free access
To the product

Overcome physical and functional hurdles

Siedle status display barrier-free access

Indispensable for barrier-free access: the status display . This also provides the hearing-impaired with clear feedback from the intercom.

Barrier-free construction is about far more than installing wheelchair ramps and widening doors. Buildings must also be capable of overcoming functional hurdles, for example for the hard of hearing. These requirements are formulated in Germany, for instance, by the DIN 18040 standard: “In the case of duplex intercom systems, an optical signal must indicate that the other party is ready to hear. In manually activated doors with electrical door latch release (known colloquially as a buzzer) release of the door must be signalled optically or by means of a tangible vibration."

The status display meets these requirements:

More about the status display

Siedle systems are not developed specially for buildings with barrier-free access. But they are based on principles which make them ideal for barrier-free applications. One of these is the huge flexibility of the systems – they make nearly everything possible, inside and out. For nearly every structural environment. And for nearly every functional requirement.

Siedle versatility outside
Versatility outside

Thanks to their modularity and adaptability to customer requests, the Siedle systems open up almost infinite possibilities. Whether surface-mounted or flush-mounted, with access control, letterbox or camera, lots of things are possible.

Siedle versatility inside
Versatility inside

Huge flexibility inside, too: wall-mounted or table-top devices, with buttons or a touchscreen, mobile devices and the Siedle App as well as interfaces with the telephone system and PC – flexibly positionable depending on what is desired and needed.

Siedle customised mounting heights
Customised mounting heights

Maximum flexibility when integrating the functions: Depending on requirements, the functions can be differently positioned. They permit different mounting heights, for children and wheelchair users or for lorry drivers who use the intercom from the driver’s cab.

Siedle planning freedom barrier-free access
Planning freedom

The flexible positioning of the letterbox outside permits a number of customised layouts without anyone being inconvenienced by the letterbox. It may be important, for example, for wheelchair users to be able to position themselves underneath letterbox systems.

Siedle camera pick-up angle
Flexible pick-up angle
The larger the area that a camera captures, the more flexible its positioning can be. This facilitates barrier-free planning, because the widened pick-up angles also capture wheelchair users and small children.

For barrier-free design and intuitive operation: Universal Design

Barrier-free design also means: Everyone should be able to operate technology intuitively. American architect Ronald L. Mace, who himself contracted polio, coined the term Universal Design for this. He came up with five principles for a generally accessible environment. Siedle fulfils all of them.

Avoid complexity

The first rule is: Avoid unnecessary complexity. Siedle Axiom only has a few mechanical buttons. Clear icons indicate the key functions. Siedle Axiom is intuitive to use – like all Siedle products.

Siedle universal design
Take expectations into account

Second principle: Take consistent account of the user's expectations and their intuition. Clear contrasts guide the hand to the correct operating elements. These are learnt and consequently can be operated intuitively: the receiver takes the call, the key opens the door.

Siedle universal design
Support a wide range

Third principle: Support a wide range of reading and language abilities. For the visually impaired, Siedle offers an extra-large call button with Braille. For the hearing impaired, the status display signals the active status. Inductive coupling amplifies the signal for hearing aids.

Siedle universal design
Labelling according to importance

Fourth principle: Mark information according to its importance. The buttons for the most important functions, speaking and door release, are highlighted by their size and/or colour. This prevents the wrong button being pressed by accident.

Siedle universal design
Clear prompts and feedback

The backlit symbols of the status display show the hearing impaired that the bell inside has rung, that a call connection has been set up or the door release has been activated.

Siedle door communication is incredibly versatile.

Information for builders

You can trust in us

Durable and upgradeable

A Siedle system is a safe investment. After all, we develop our systems to last a long time. And when we develop new products, we focus on backwards-compatibility and updateability.

Quality and investment protection

Made in Germany

We are a high-tech company that uses the latest production methods. At the same time, it is our human qualities and traditional skills that give our products their very own character.

Made in Germany

Easy operation

Siedle products offer features which make life easier and safer for their users. We favour clarity over superfluous and frivolous complications.

Technology for people

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