Location: Munich
Architecture: Kuehn Malvezzi, Berlin
Electrical planning: Ingenieurbüro R. Wieder, Erding
Electrical installation: Claus Heinemann, Unterföhring
The Joseph Pschorr Haus building is a hybrid – in terms of both its typology and its integration into its immediate urban environment. The building communication system corresponds to the different facade concepts and echoes the varying materials. Functional elements at different operating heights guarantee barrier-free operation.

The Berlin-based architectural bureau Kuehn Malvezzi planned to construct a building whose height levels, volumes and facades echo the very different urban construction situations surrounding it. The final result is a hybrid of residential and retail uses, a further development of the mixed-use town house and department store.
Unlike classical department stores constructed in the last century, the Joseph-Pschorr-Haus combines three independent units to create a cohesive display window frontage. Each of these stores has its own dedicated entrance area, as do the apartments on the top floor, the underground car park and the goods receiving area.

The building communication system taken from the Siedle Classic design line individually addresses the different facade concepts and the specific demands made on the various entrances. Siedle supplied systems made of solid burnished brass for communication at the frontal bronze and glass curtain wall facade. These are integrated flush into the bronze elements of alloy CuZn37, which were burnished and polished using a hand crafting technique.
Perfect integration is the result of well organized advance processes. The architectural bureau, the facade builder and the project team at Siedle held several construction meetings to plan out integration of the communication systems in detail.

Bespoke communication: Video cameras or call buttons are not needed at every entrance. Here, communication is restricted to a simple access control system integrated flush into the facade.

Minimal: Access control from the Siedle Classic design line.

Siedle systems made of solid aluminium have been used at the steel reinforced concrete facades which surround the access areas for incoming goods and for the residential units. A natural coloured (EV1) anodized finish protects the light alloy from corrosion and lends it a silky shimmer with changing colour effects.

Wherever sensible, the communication systems follow a barrier-free design, and feature a combination of door loudspeaker and call display at two different operating heights. Using the call display, the required user can be selected from a user list and contacted by pressing a button. The access control system below is positioned so that it can be operated from both a seated and a standing position.

With video camera, call display and access control: Entrance to the underground car park with communication system made of brushed stainless steel.

The sheet metal at the entrance to the underground car park echoes the theme of the bronze facade with its irregular folds.
The building communication system creates the perfect aesthetic blend.
Barrier-free access: The communication systems in the entrance area to the residential units are designed for barrier-free operation, featuring functional elements at different mounting heights.
Cohesive design through to the interior: The entrances to the apartments on the top floor have also been equipped by Siedle with systems from the Siedle Classic design line, in this case with a surface in solid brushed stainless steel. They feature an integrated video camera and door loudspeaker, and one call button each.

Barrier-free access: The communication systems in the entrance area to the residential units are designed for barrier-free operation, featuring functional elements at different mounting heights.

Cohesive design through to the interior: The entrances to the apartments on the top floor have also been equipped by Siedle with systems from the Siedle Classic design line, in this case with a surface in solid brushed stainless steel. They feature an integrated video camera and door loudspeaker, and one call button each.